Saturday, September 26, 2009

Happy Birthday Glenn! Happy Housewarming Angie!

Glenn and Angie hosted a wonderful Housewarming/ Glenn's Birthday Celebration Party in the Heights. It was our first time there, and we quickly discovered she just lived a street away from my Grandma Lucy. Angie is an AMAZING baker and had a menu of ALL VEGAN treats! (The vegan food was for some of the guests who were vegan, its not all of what Angie makes). Everything was delicious. She's taking orders too (yes along with law school, she runs her own baking business). So if you're ever in the mood for some awesome dessert, I'll give you her contact info. Poor Amaris, she was not feeling good at all, and she still made it out. I was really happy to see there there! (You can see her kicked out on the couch). Asher actually came to the party too, and fortunatley their house is 2 story so he just slept upstairs the whole time. This was the night U of H beat Texas Tech, so the guys were VERY LOUD. Fortunately it didn't disturb my little man. (And you know how houses in the Heights echo everywhere!)

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