Sunday, September 20, 2009

Weekend in Beach City

After Woody's Retirement Dinner we headed to Donna and Darrell's (aka Nona and Popsi's) for the night---and that turned into an entire weekend. Its just so relaxing any time we're at any of our parents' homes. Thanks to Donna I was able to get some really good photos of Asher doctored up so I could finally fill the void of photo frames in his room. Next stop, the rest of the house!

We really enjoyed our weekend though. I don't think we ever planned to stay there the whole time, it just sort of happened. We didn't even leave the house all day Saturday! We were given the boot on Sunday though (I jokingly say this of course) because Lindsey (my sis-in-law) was arriving from Athens. That's right, its almost time for Baby Bird to arrive. (S)he'll likely be 7 months younger than Asher. (The baby's gender is still a secret to everyone). And Asher is 8 months younger than Cousin Evan. They're going to all be so close in age. It'll make for a 'photo-filled' Christmas and Holiday Season.

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