Saturday, April 25, 2009

Still at home waiting...

Still no trip to the hospital. I'm still in occassional discomfort, but not what I really think what labor should feel like. Doug and I got up pretty early and went for a walk in the neighborhood. As I've been home today and doing a few things, I forget about the discomfort till my stomach gets really hard. So again I'm just waiting for even that to become more regular or for my water to break.

My parents came by and my mom finished up straightening up the house, which I really appreciate (she is also the reason we were all up so late Thursday cleaning). She cannot get invited over and NOT clean...ugh...not much I can do about her. :o) My dad decided to take over the kitchen, so we'll have some nice supper for tonight. Thanks for checking in on us! We'll keep you all posted of any labor progress.

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