Monday, April 20, 2009

Easter with the Salinas'

Doug and I enjoyed the Saturday before Easter in Woodville, TX with my family. Darrell was able to join us too! We were spending a very nice, long relaxing weekend with him while Donna was with Ryan visiting Lindsey and Steve in Greece. (As usual you can access the 'whole lot' of pictures at our Felicia Family Photos link on the left column). Good picture of Brandon and Doug after the egg hunt. Doug used my very old Easter basket to collect for us. My dad has taught Brandon to cast out his own little Shakespeare Spideman fishing pole. I had to see for myself...he was right. This is after his mom had to chase him to the dock. My cousin Victoria and I. She's at Texas Woman's University too in the BS-Nursing program but in Dallas. She'll be graduating in one year! So proud...Brandon was pretty handy with the egg coloring...but didn't mind mixing the colors...which didn't leave my cousin Ivanna very happy.

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