Thursday, August 4, 2011

It's been a while...but we're having

a little boy. We found out at 18 weeks along during my 'long ultrasound'. I had a 19 week check-up this week and all looks well. Finally got to meet my doctor, although I love the NP!

I've noticed this pregnancy I did not feel the baby as soon as with Asher. I was told at my 'long US' that its due to where my placenta is attached. Its very anterior, so there are a lot of blood vessels and tissues in the way. This week though (actually today of all days, just one day shy of 20 weeks) I feel the baby alot more. Phew...


Meghan Giliam said...

yay an update!

Felicia, I had an anterior placenta too. I really didn't feel consistent movement til around week 25ish and even then I swear he didn't move much ( maybe b/c he had no room in there, lol!!)

Mrs. C said...

Congrats!! They're gonna be best buds:) I secrelty was hoping for another girl so G could have that. Anyway, I too have an anterior placenta and didnt feel the baby move consistently until about 24 or 25 weeks along.
Congrats again to you, Doug, and Asher!