Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree...

Doug has been awesome at accepting that we will always having a fresh tree each year. I grew up with them vs. a pre-lit tree you keep in your attic, so I'm happy that our boys can enjoy the fresh tree scent. (Of course I'm not judging those who have pre-lit trees...I do envy how early you're able to get your trees out and how clean they are! Plus with all the delicous Christmas candles out there, we can all have a fresh tree scent in our homes.) The boys do have a small pre-lit tree in their room. It now also serves as Asher's night light. We were able to get this one up pretty early, so we did have an early feeling of Christmas in the house.
Asher and I went to Hobby Lobby to find his ornaments. He chose most of them and I chose a few for 'the boys'.

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