Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Taj Benjamin is here!

Baby Taj Benjamin arrived on Monday, December 19th, 2011 at 4:37PM. Weight: 8 lbs 14 oz
Length: 21 1/4 inches

Monday, December 19, 2011

Is today our delivery date?

I'm waiting here at home to call the L&D Charge Nurse again. I was told according to my "AM Induction Instructions" to call at 5AM if I had not heard from them yet.

Well she told me at that time they could not get me in first thing, so I should call back by 9AM if I have not heard from them...Gosh, its so close! But now this also means this induction could happen tomorrow...we'll see...I keep telling myself only God knows when this baby's true birthdate will be. (Picture taken at 39 weeks, 2 days.)

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Fat Fingers while Prego!

Boy am I glad Robbins Bros. relocated again back to Houston. I can finally get my ring cleaned! Haha. I made a trip there while I was going those last errands I could possibly manage being enormous.

Yes, climbed the stairs up and everything.

Yes, embarassed myself by barely being able to get off my engagement ring.

Yes, browsed around and even tried on the FIRST band I've ever seen that actually went with my engagement ring.

Yes, I'm showing you here despite my ring finger being so red it may burst.

Yes, that's me trying to fit it with my 'big girl' James Avery silver band that is worn when Felicia gets truly pregnant. I bought it when pregnant with Asher.Oh well, I was so happy to finally find something Simon G made to fit my ring! I love that it doesn't go flush around my ring covering up my diamonds. He mentioned sodering it on but I cannot imagine covering up my original engagement ring...namely because of the diamonds surrounding it. :)

Now...what anniversary should I ask for it on?...

Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree...

Doug has been awesome at accepting that we will always having a fresh tree each year. I grew up with them vs. a pre-lit tree you keep in your attic, so I'm happy that our boys can enjoy the fresh tree scent. (Of course I'm not judging those who have pre-lit trees...I do envy how early you're able to get your trees out and how clean they are! Plus with all the delicous Christmas candles out there, we can all have a fresh tree scent in our homes.) The boys do have a small pre-lit tree in their room. It now also serves as Asher's night light. We were able to get this one up pretty early, so we did have an early feeling of Christmas in the house.
Asher and I went to Hobby Lobby to find his ornaments. He chose most of them and I chose a few for 'the boys'.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Pics from Ryan & Stephanie's Wedding

Yes I'm awful and took these from their facebook pages...I had to get something posted on here after all!

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Wedding in NYC! Congrats Ryan & Stephanie!

We survived Doug's trip to NYC to see his brother Ryan get married! I'm so glad Taj decided to is a collection of some pics I got from Doug's text messages.

Doug & big sister Lauren.
Doug at Rockefeller Center.

The groom-to-be!

Reception Hall in Dumbo.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Choosing a name for our boy: Taj Benjamin

"Taj" was always a name Doug and I talked about before we even got pregnant. I don't think we ever seriously considered it while pregnant with Asher...why I'm not sure. Taj Burrow is an professional surfer from Australia born to American parents.

"Taj" means "Crown" in Sanskrit & Indian. Its pronounced like Taj Majal. (I imagine I'll be saying that like alot). Haha.

"Benjamin" is a name I've always liked, and it is coincidentally a son of Jacob and leader of the 12 tribes as well (Asher is a son of Jacob in the Bible and one of the leaders of the 12 tribes of Israel).

Other names we liked were: Owen (me), Diego (Doug), Corb Blake (after Doug's grandfather), James (me), & not too many others unfortunately. Doug's rationale: "its hard to choose something like Asher (such a winner) and pair it with". Yes, that makes sense to me.

If Taj does not appreciate his name as a professional during interviews, he could always make himself T. Benjamin on paper. That has a nice ring to it too!

We never had anything monogrammed for Asher before he was born because we told ourselves, "we want to meet him first". Well this time it was decided one evening that yes, we would in fact choose Taj, so I jumped on to Etsy, ordered him the grey cap you see below...then it just blew up from there. I guess having Christmas right around the corner added to the shopping frenzy.

Stocking to match the rest of ours...
First ornmanent...
And a nice hat to keep himself warm in at the hospital...(the first thing I ordered for him!)
Big brother needed something too... And some more shopping...(this is actually now on sale at Pottery Barn Kids for anyone else whose child is celebrating their first Christmas).
Super-cheap at Hobby Lobby!
And one more thing is being shipped here today I hope! A monogrammed stroller blanket with all things daddy loves: argyle & sock monkeys!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

37+ weeks

Well, its Sunday night and I have survived the weekend so far. I hear there is a full moon on Saturday, December 10th. Let's just hope if I do follow the stereotype I will be in labor long enough to get Doug home. He flies back home from NYC that Sunday night.

Friday, December 2, 2011

And now I wait...37 weeks

I do not like to call-in and miss work. In my 4 years of high school I think I missed one day, and I never missed a day of work as a U.S. Marine. I sprained my ankle once before a PFT (Physical Fitness Test) and didn't run it, but I was dressed and out there in my crutches!
So now I think I've called-in officially twice during this pregnancy. Yuck...

I'm here at home, 37 weeks, with on and off crampiness I've been experiencing the past couple of nights. My stomach was very hard for much of last night but I think that was owed to the huge piece of salmon I ate plus a bowl of cereal...embarassing...yes...

I'm also suddenly realizing that Doug will be gone this coming Wed-Sun for his brother's wedding in NYC. I really want this baby BEFORE or AFTER he comes back. Yes, its selfish, but I want Doug here to enjoy him for a bit--or to not get a call from me letting him know I'm going to the hospital while he's so far away.

I said I didn't want to interrupt the trip--he's a groomsman afterall-- and I really don't want to pay the cost of changing his flight to back home.

I honestly didn't think I'd still be pregnant I guess. When I went in last week at 3-4 cm and effaced, I thought 'any day now'. Well this week I was a solid 4 cm...but you still sit that way for a while.

I worked yesterday and yes I had a very nice assignment but I still find it hard to just SIT. I'm due to return to work on Monday, then Thursday-Friday again.

My OB appt is on Wed, within the same hour Doug is leaving to NYC. I called hoping to get an appt with my OB today but instead spoke a long time to the WHNP regarding my concerns and how I was physically feeling. She said that yes, I can still go into labor at any time, and they will NOT induce me unless medically necessary before 39 weeks. She said if the baby is not here by the time Doug leaves I should really just take it easy and not do much to not progress labor along. Well, now my predicament is whether I push myself to do my regular things--and maybe more--in the meantime? Then what if the baby is not here by Wed and suddenly my activity does drive me into labor?!

Sheesh...not an easy situation. I've remained mostly calm throughout this because when I'm troubled with something I just put it in God's hands...and let His will be done. He knows when this baby's birthdate is. I need to just relax, keep doing things like normal and just pray for the best. Thanks for allowing me to vent...

In the meantime I will wrap Christmas presents :)