Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Bragging on my cousin Romeo...

For a few weeks this in May we were able to enjoy some time with my cousin--who is also my godbrother--Romeo Garcia III aka JR. He's going to be a junior next semester at the Naval Academy and he has been starting for past 2 years on their basketball team. He came to visit Asher at our house and we were able to see him in Cypress on a little send-off dinner. I love him so much and miss having him so close by...nonetheless I am very proud of what he's doing and glad he chose the Naval Academy for his studies! I also couldn't help but post this photo of him as a little chunky butt. He was over 12 lbs when he was born and I think 23 or 24 inches! I'll have to confirm with my godmother... He's now over 6'4" and he towers over the two oldest grandchildren--my sis and I-- and you can see that his sisters tower us as well.Here is Asher next to a photo of one of JR's sandals...they're nearly the same size! haha.

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