Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Asher's 2 month check-up

Asher and I were in the Medical Center for about 5 hours today. Nothing bad, just getting his first round of shots and shortly after I began my first 'Pre-Employment' day at the Hospital. Scheduling these two things around the same time proved to be successful...once the day was finished I could say that of course.

Asher continues to grow very well according to Dr. Alley. Its always reassuring to hear this since he is still on 100% breastmilk. I am providing enough for my little guy!

Head: 60th %-tile 16 inches
Weight: 60th %-tile 12 lbs 2 oz.
Lenght: 90th %-tile 24 inches!! Mr. String Bean!

Doug and I still need to confirm where we'll be sending Asher while I start my orientation on Friday, July 10th. Fortunately I put him on plenty of waiting lists when I started my 3rd trimester. Many of those facilities have spots for him, so now Doug and I need to make a firm decision. It's estimated I won't be working 'on my own' till December! So in the meantime I work side-by-side with my preceptor on my unit and attend classes till I'm deemed fit to work in the Children's Special Care Unit.

p.s. If you're wondering why the Cookie Cake has Doug's name on it...well Asher decided to share his birthday cookie with his dad. Cookie Cake is Doug's favorite, and he wanted to make sure his dad fully got to celebrate his big day.


Cynthia said...

It's hard to beleive how big he is already!!! Sounds like y'all are doing great, keep it up! Good luck at the new job. Asher is just adorable.

The Heffernan's said...

He is getting so big! I feel like I did not get to see him at all last Saturday! I need Asher kisses soon.

Love ya,

Melissa said...

He is getting so big...I cannot believe that he is 2 months already. Time flies!!! He is so adorable and I am so glad to hear that all is well. Good luck with the decision on who will take care of him. I cannot imagine making that decision. I willpray for you guys that you make one that is comfortable and best for your sweet little boy. Kiss him for us!