Friday, January 30, 2009

Doug in New York/ Bradley classes

I wanted to post two photos my bro-in-law Ryan sent me of Doug during his trip to NYC. I'm home alone till Sunday. No worries though, TWU has given me plenty of work to keep me busy. So maybe a quiet house is just what I needed...although I do miss my husband. He's already reported to me he's fallen on his knee while throwing a snowball at Ryan.

We'll be starting 'The Bradley Method' childbirth classes this Sunday. They last for 8 weeks, so wish us luck!
Doug at the Brooklyn Bridge. Taken 1-30-09.Doug at Google. (My other bro-in-law Steve used to work here...if you ever want to hear stories of AMENITIES galore, go talk to him). I can see why Google is consistently rated the #1 place to work.

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