Thursday, March 17, 2011

My husband left to Mexico today :(

Doug is taking a much deserved surf trip with some pals of ours, Ryan & George. They flew into Ixtapa/Zihuatanejo, Mexico and are ultimately going to be in Saladitas. Funny note that Doug shared with me: Zihuantanejo is where Tim Robbins ran off to in Shawshank Redemption.

Here is a map of the area he'll be in. VERY south of the border, so hopefully away from all the riff-raff happenings near the border and in Mexico City.
I found this photo online. Our pals he's with have been there before and have been surfing internationally as Doug has, so if it had their stamp of a approval Doug was in!

One more photo I got online of Saladitas. I'm told its very rural. No hoity toity American-style resorts!
Can you believe this will be the longest we've ever been away from each other (nearly 6 days...a Thursday-Tuesday trip)!? I think the longest was on a few business trips years ago to California and during a long fishing trip he took with his dad to Louisiana last year.

Needless to say I'm working Friday-Sunday, so hopefully the time for me goes by fast.

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