Thursday, December 23, 2010

Christmas at the Fagala's

What a great Christmas in Beach City! (Asher's Aunt) Lindsey, (Uncle) Steve, and (Cousin) Henry were in England this year, & (Asher's great-grandmother) Nani was in Dallas but very dearly missed. (Asher's Uncle) Ryan was able to come from Brooklyn. We played the Fagala's traditional 'Game' where you choose numbers, select a gift, and hope it doesn't get stolen! Asher and Uncle Ryan talking about the infamous apples...
Popsi and his gifts from us. Ready to catch some fish!
Asher & Mommy. Uncle Ryan actually designed the shirt Asher is wearing. I'll have to post a better shot of it.
Asher & Daddy burning off some calories on the property...

Nonna & her gift from us. A lovely place to put all her Christmas cards!

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