Saturday, September 18, 2010

Yvette's Quincenera

The same night as my high school reunion was my cousin Yvette's Quincenera. It was not fun to have to leave early and miss the dance, but we were able to see the blessings and catch up with lots of old faces.

Gotta love that smile!

And the Yvette grin...

Yvette and big brother Jason escorting her in. He's a freshman at UT-SA this year. Crazy to think I used to pick him up from ELEMENTARY school.

My nephew/godson Brandon taking advantage of some photo opportunities. Not sure if they'll want to develop the camera he wound up with. :P

We were fortunate this hall was less than 3 miles from our house! We jumped onto Beechnut and were there in a flash. No excuses to show up late, right? I'm so used to getting ready quickly but boy have things changed since having a toddler now.

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