Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Building Forts with Daddy

I am usually the picture taker of our family, but occassionally Doug does pick the camera up during his playtime with Asher. (Usually while mommy is hoo). I LOVE the results. Despite being sad I couldn't join in their fun, its hilarious seeing that happens during their "Boys Time". I wonder if they'd even let momomy in their Man Cave. Asher being destructive...
I like to think Doug captured Asher's first look inside!
Here's the silly boy I know...
Maybe this reminds him of the rainbow wheel at The Little Gym.
Finished product!

1 comment:

Gulley Gang said...

That's one BIG fort, ha! What is it with boys and their forts? Cade loves them too...but calls them his bear dens now. So fun!