Saturday, May 2, 2009

A few photos of Asher....

I just wanted to add a few pictures of Mr. Asher Donovan Fagala. He arrived on Wednesdsay, April 29th at 3:50PM weighing 8 lbs 7 oz and was 21- 5/8" long. We all came home on Friday. Now we're just adjusting to this new schedule. Thank you for checking out our blog. We'll be sure to include some more photos very soon.

Doug, Felicia & Asher


Cynthia said...

Oh he is so sweet! It was great to see you last week! Congratulations again. Will you email a copy of the picture of us with Asher?

Ashley said...

Welcome to the world Asher! We love you!!

Melissa said...

Oh....he is so precious! I just want to eat him up!! Congrats to you both! Cannot wait to see him!