Sunday, March 1, 2009

Doug's First 10K Rodeo Run

Just a quick entry about Doug's run this weekend. Early Saturday morning it was VERY windy and VERY cold. This kind of wind was not ideal for running...Doug braved it out (along with Ryan Peterson) and again finished faster than he thought. I'm so proud of Doug for taking up running with the enthusiasm and stamina he has shown. Normally he's my spectator, so I'm not sure what's gonig to happen when we're both racing together. Babysitter anyone? Haha. He has another half marathon in Seabrook in 2 weeks. Let's just hope for better weather...
We ran into the mother-and-daughter team of Marilyn & Amy. They were there to complete the 10K too.

1 comment:

Ryan Terry said...

Crazy you ran in to Marilyn and Amy!