Sunday, March 22, 2009

Our First Baby shower

Our amazing friends Amaris and Angie threw us and the Falcon's (Rachelle & Corey) a shower this weekend. It was full of delicious food, wonderful cupcakes, friends, family, games, and amazing gifts. I have more photos on our 'family photo' link on the left side of the screen. Enjoy! Angie got us some little Aggie onesies I'd never seen before. Our little guy will be sporting them this summer and when football season starts. We played "Pin the Bow on the Baby" with some surprise close-up shots of the dads-to-be. Great idea Amaris! Amaris also made this beautiful diaper cake. There were some many surprises between each layer: toiletries, onessies, birp cloths, you name it!
Uncle Ryan was able to fly down from NYC to make the shower. He DREW this amazing fish in a bowl for the babies room. It was so pefect it could've been an offically trademarked Seuss product.Some of Angie's delicious cupcakes. She was so sweet to ask what our favorite flavors were. We had Hummingbird, Strawberry, Chocolate, and the always popular Vanilla. Another of the cooks is in the background, Glenn.

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