Monday, December 28, 2009

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Christmas at the Fagala's in Beach City

Asher picking some apples with cousin (& Godbrother) Evan. They're only 8 months apart!

Uncle Ryan came from BROOK-lyn for the holidays. Here he is with his niece and nephews...only Henry is missing. Asher is only 6 1/2 months older than his cousin Henry! So many boys born so close together...will certainly lead to trouble. Or a dear lease if you're asking Popsi.

Asher is so flashy with his J's. Haha. Mommy and Daddy would've never spent the money on these, so Asher thanks his 'Uncle Chris' for the kicks.

Here is Asher at home enjoying the chair Nonna and Popsi got him. (He's covering where his name is monogrammed). And wearing some PJs from Mimi and Paw-Paw.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas Day with my parents

Christmas Day after I got off work I rushed to my parent's house to celebrate. I showered as quickly as I could so I could hold my little Ash and play with Brandon without fearing spreading all kinds of germs to them.

Linda & Joel got us an awesome gift! We can bring Asher along now for bike rides. Brandon loves his, so we hope Asher can take full advantage of his 'new view' once the weather cools some.
Brandon in his favorite 'Fire Shirt'. Now that Asher is big enough for his, I think Brandon thinks Asher somehow took his prized possession.

Linda wearing the necklace we got her. I loved the little photo pendant from James Avery--I wanted he exact thing (chain and all) for myself but then just went to the store the following day to get one for my sis.I love this expression Asher makes--too bad he's holding something in the way of his face. This shows what a nice camera we have, the photo is a cropped version of it.
Asher and his 'Lita' (aka Abuelita Elia). Asher and his Tio Joel. Thankfully HFD didn't have him working Christmas Day.
Asher LOVES to pinch the heck out of our faces.
Note: as much as it stunk to work on Christmas Day, I know I won't have to do it again for 3 more years. We only have to work one Major Holiday a year, and they never repeat themselves, just cycle to new ones. So its not just a matter of being 'at the bottom of the totem pole'. Plus I only worked 2 days this week (still getting paid full-time too), so no complaints from me! ;)

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas Eve with the Salinas'

We went to start the first of our 4 Christmas celebrations in Woodville, Tx where my Abuelito and his wife Vicky live. We always find a 'new route' to go, and this one got us there in 2.5 hours vs the usual 2...not fun but we were happy to finally arrive. I had to work the next day, so unfortunately we had to cut our evening short.

Singing the 12 Days of Christmas gets a little rowdy, so Asher opted to sit on the stairs with his Dad.
Let the singing begin! Here is Vicky reading the story of our Christ's birth. I got Abuelito this ornament last year listing his 11 grandchildren as little elves. I was very happy to see it right in the middle of the tree this year.Trying to get a family photo before Asher pulls Mommy's hair out...He took a break for a moment.
Abueltio and Vicky brought a hat for Asher and Brandon from their most recent trip.