Wednesday, October 3, 2012

October Projects

I have a had a great last few weeks at work. Namely because I have only worked two days each week the past two weeks! Makes for a much more relaxed gave us a chance to do some fun Halloween Projects and cook some 'real food' for Taj. Excuse the following order of photos. They uploaded in backwards from the way I intended!
I was told I needed to pack Taj some real food because he keeps staring at his classmates food. He only has 1.5 teeth (I say .5 because that one 1/2 of one just is barely sticking out) so I worry he will not chew well. I watch him like a hawk at home, but we haven't had any issues so far! So now I've gone to cooking wheat/veggie pasta in chicken/veggie/beef broth, whole green beans, and now mixed veggies to add to his meals at school.

Asher chose this Haunted Mansion to build with his can see they take their work very seriously!

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