This is the life...I worked Monday-Wednesday this week and I can now relax till next Monday. A 3-day full-time schedule works for me! I get to stay home with Asher and get a feel for how things used to be. Doug and I got really close to having to send him to daycare with one formula bottle (he usually goes with 3 pumped 6 oz. bottles), but Asher was NOT having any of it, so by the time I saw him at home, he was able to eat from me again. What a relief. I am just so grateful to Doug for being so encouraging...its not easy telling someone who has to already be up at 4:45AM that they should
really get out of bed at 2:30AM too. Which is again why I'm really looking forward to this time at home again. Tomorrow is my dad's birthday, so we'll be going to the beachhouse for some good times fishing and relaxing this weekend.

Lunch with dad at Kim Son. Mr. Asher uses 'big boy' bottles now since he can eat up to 7 oz. per feeding. He's tipping the scales at 13.5 lbs. I joke about him being a string bean and not the chunky little guy I imagined. :o)
I cannot believe how much he has grown. 13lbs..what a big boy. He is so precious and I cannot wait to get my hands on him this weekend at Evan's b-day party. Save some kisses for me!
Hey there. I appreciate the comment you left on my blog and I wanted to stop by to see yours. You have a beautiful baby boy, and I just love his name. I look forward to dropping by yours to check on your family in the future. Take care and thanks again.
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