Wednesday, June 10, 2009

6 weeks ago...

I was delivering Asher. Wow, time has really flown. At 3 weeks Doug and I just couldn't believe 3 weeks had you can imagine how fast 6 have gone. Our little man is 11 lbs, 1 oz. I'll get a picture of him on the scale soon so you can see 'Eva' (it looks like the character on Wall-e). We've been taking him out more, usually just to a grandparent's house-- but he did survive 3 trips to restaurants last week! He didn't get fussy and just wanted to eat, sleep, or just observe what was going on at the table. I love that about him... Here are some photos of Asher reading with his dad. Doug is all about reading "The Sneetches" and "The Butter Battle Book". If you click on any of the photos, you can see it enlarged. So I hope you see Asher's smile on the first one! Enjoy.


Melissa said...

He is just adorable. I cannot believe that he weighs 11lbs. What a big boy!!! I boght Chance's shirt off a website called Corduroy's Closet. She has some adorable things!!! Take care!

Ryan Terry said...

That first photo is great. Can't wait to meet the little dude.