Thursday, October 2, 2008

Yes, we're pregnant

pregnancy due date

Hello friend and family,

Its been a while since I've tried to wrangle this new 'blog thing'. It is very new to me, so please be patient...

News to update you on:

Doug and I found out we're 9 weeks pregnant. Due date is May 6, 2009. Doug is hoping for a Cinco De Mayo baby. ha.

I'm back in school, so that means 2 days of lecture, and 3, 12-hour shifts per week. Yeah! And add another rotation for my elective in the OR. Then finding time to be a wife, healthy pregnant woman, sister, friend, aunt, yadda yadda.

Our apartment in Pearland had minimal damage. We were without power so we stayed at Nani's house. We just had to wash a few more loads when we got back since some of our clothes got wet--and stinky-- from the storm.

Well, I'll end this now. I can get wordy. Plus I just got 'off' at 7:15am this morning, so I'm a little pooped.

Mrs. F

1 comment:

Melissa said...

You need to update your blog girl!!!