Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Oh please don't let me go into labor at work...35+ weeks

35+ my doctor's appt this week I found out I am 3-4 cm dilated and 70-80% effaced. She suggested I do not go out of town this weekend (as I was hoping to).

I do work the next two days, Turkey Day & Black Friday, so let's all hope I don't create a biohazard in a patient's room or at the nurse's station if I go into labor at work.

Oh boy...

I have been steadily measuring 2 1/2 weeks past my dates, so here's hoping this baby is actually the size developmentally of a 38 weeker.

Christmas Card 2011

We went with Shutterfly this year. Merry Christmas!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Labor is progressing! 34+ weeks

I went to my doctor's appt today with Dr. Shroeder. I'm offically 34 weeks and 5 days but still measuring 2 weeks ahead, so the belly of a 37 weeker. I'm sure my 'more than expected' weight gain could be a factor in that equation!

Baby has also started dilating. She estimated me at 2-3 cm! Whoo hoo! I know this doesn't mean I'll be laboring soon...I want this baby boy's lungs to mature more after all...but it's nice to see he's moving along as he should. Asher did this for weeks also before I was induced, so I do feel I still have some more time to go.

Plus, if anything, it's given my husband another 'kind kick in the pants reminder' he needs to finish painting Asher's new room! Or else I'm about to go Marine Drill instructor on him. haha.
I also finally invested in compression socks! Yes, a bit late as I started RN school over 4 years ago. Being on my feet (DID I MENTION PREGNANT) as a staff RN for 13+ hours is much different than being a nursing student.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

New rooms for 'the boys'

New baby boy #2 will be moving into Asher's room. I think the stripes that are there already will fit nicely with the caterpillr theme. Now instead of it being a Dr. Seuss room, it'll be a storybook room. Asher will be moving to our spare bedroom, which already had 2 twin beds in it. We've chosen the sheets the boys will have! They were sold out online, but we were able to go to the store yesterday, grab one of the last vintage airplane sets there, then ordered a set at The Woodlands store to be mailed to us. Thank goodness because if they were sold out, we were scrambing to find a new idea for them that was similar, yet different.

Here is Asher's set: And baby boy #2 when he's old enough:

Here is an idea of some of the other contenders if we were not able to find our vintage train & airplane set at Pottery Barn. They're from Restoration Hardware and BOY was there a price difference!

Here's one we liked from Land of Nod: