Sunday, October 17, 2010

Our first family zoo trip!

We are official zoo members! Can you believe it was our first trip together as a family? Asher had already been months ago with his Tia Linda & Cousin Brandon. It was really nice to go on a beautiful Sunday--did I mention I was on-call and didn't have to go into work! Asher and I with the new baby elephant.
This meercat was just chillin'...this is a meercat, right?
Asher and Daddy about to jump in the pond...haha.
I decided to take a ride in the wagon and have my Ash push me...
Finally, picture of Asher and Mommy! Thanks to my husband Doug.

Here is Asher when we first got there kicked back in his wagon. We only had one hour to enjoy Zoo Boo, so we rushed to throw him in this costume and check things out. Next time we'll get there sooner--and hopefully by then it'll be a little cooler!

Asher warming up with some petting zoo animals.

1 comment:

Gulley Gang said...

Visits to the zoo are always so much fun, and you got some fun family shots. Cracking up at his superman costume with the animals, so stinkin' cute!