Thursday, October 21, 2010

Doug's captions for Asher's Fall photos

So I'm the one who usually posts on here, ok I always post. Well Doug posted these pics we just got on facebook with some pretty funny captions. Enjoy them below! I'm not sure if anyone watches World's Strongest Man competitions, but this reminds me of the boulder event...I'm just saying.
Tomato with Asher's head consumed, the tomato now controls Asher's every move...which includes eating all of Asher's candy.
Veggie Tales tomato eating Asher's head.
"What? I'm not crying. My eyes are just sweating."
Domo arigato Mr. Roboto...


Gulley Gang said...

Ha Ha, great commentary ;) But I LOVE LOVE LOVE his stylish outfit the most. Is his tie on his sweater, or separate? Where did you get his adorable outfit? So freaking cute!!!

PS If you ever get to live overseas, GO! Best experience of our lives ;)

Ashley said...

Asher is adorable! :)

The DougFish said...

The sweater is all one piece. We got it at Crazy 8 (Gymboree's cheaper spin-off). You can usually find a coupon for the store in a Parenting magazine.

Thanks for the compliments ladies!

Mrs. C said...

Your hubby is a funny guy-I like that:) And I have to agree with Asher's super stylish outfit-love, love it!!