Saturday, November 21, 2009

Asher at 6 1/2 months

I'm finally used to saying Asher is 6 months old, but now I can't believe he's soon to be 7 months. Sheesh...

Here are some things he's up to:
-Eating his Nature's Best jar food. Loves them all. I get new flavors for him each time I see them. Still a vegetarian.
-No more breastmilk for him. Doug and I decided at 6 months we'd stop. Now I mix Enfamil Premium with Similac Soy for him.
-Rolling back and forth across his blankets.
-He has two teeth!
-Says "Da, Da, Da, Da, Da".
-Still would rather 'stand' than work on perfecting sitting up on his own.
-Graduated to the Infant 2 room at daycare.
-Finally old enough for the jogging stroller, so he's joined mommy and daddy for runs around Memorial park and other events.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Oh my goodness...time is just flying by. He is growing so big...cannot believe he is almost months old. Big boy! Glad to hear that you kept him on the breast for 6 months. Good for you girl! Give him a big kiss for us!