Saturday, August 1, 2009

Frank & Jacklyn's Wedding

We all went as a family to Frank and Jacklyn's wedding. Frank and I went to St. Pius X High school together, and would always randomly run into each other throughout the years. We ran into each other most recently at St. Michael's 6pm mass. That's the absolute latest mass in the city in case anyone else has trouble getting to the 11am service. The mass was in Tomball at Prince of Peace and the reception was at the Westin Galleria. Such a beautiful setup! The food was delicious, the cakes looked awesome, and it was just a nice intimate setting. Doug and I calculated we spent from 1pm-7pm doing 'wedding things', so we did wind up leaving the reception a little early. We got home and were pooped! I always joke with Doug now, "how do you think it'd be with two". He responds "we'd get a babysitter". Ha.The cakes were awesome! You can see Frank's cake in the background. A HUGE tennis ball! Frank is a very talented guitarist. I couldn't believe I was writing on one of his beauties though as a 'guest book'! What an awesome idea.

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