Friday, July 10, 2009

10 week old update

This will just be short and sweet. I'm hoping a pal of mine Melissa will help me iron out a minor 'novice blog' user issue I'm having. [Melissa has the coolest blog, you can see hers under "Sean & Melissa (and Twins)" under the blogs we follow.]
About Asher: he rolled completely for the first time on Wednesday (his birthday). He went from tummy to back soon after we begun tummy time. He was not happy afterwards, so I cut that session short since I was so proud of him. Doug got to watch too!
He's weighing 12 lbs 11 1/2 oz. Still a string bean. If we expect anything to fit his body and his long legs that we have to be sure its 3-6 months. And its not roomy either!If you'd like to see more photos we've taken lately, click on the "Felicia Family Photos" link.

Thanks. :o)

1 comment:

Cynthia said...

Asher is so cute! I can't wait to see you both this week!