Wednesday, December 17, 2008

The New House/ 20 weeks along

Doug & Felicia are official home-owners! We got our keys on Monday, so we've been scurrying to get things put into the new house. Not so easy now that 1/2 of our "Moving Team" is pregnant. :P We've enlisted the help of some friends and family...thank God for them, so we can get things rolling. I hope you can see what the place looks like via our slideshow above. Once we get some rooms painted (or even sooner than that) we'd love to have friends and family over.

We're also 20 weeks along today. I've leveled off some in my weight gain...mainly because I think I packed on too much too fast. So I'm holding steady at 20lbs gained at 20 weeks. In the photo below I have on what used to be a "Normal Felicia-size Small T-shirt". You can see it's a little snug. More like screaming to be released. Ha. Last week I was able to attend my "Kick-Your-Booty-Step-Class". I am happy to say I stayed for the whole thing--minus the high kicks. Regardless, I'm happy to be hitting the gym again. I have to condition myself and this little one. He/she will be our running partner in no time!

One last note: finals ended last week! I'm one semester away from my Bachelor of Science-Nursing from Texas Woman's University.

(Yes mom, I cleaned the mirror before I took this :~P)

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