Saturday, June 19, 2010

Swimming in Baytown

Saturday we cooled off at my in-laws in Baytown. Lots of fun to just relax by the pool... Asher hanging with Daddy in the deep end...
Mimi and our godson Evan.Asher flying high with daddy. My first time to use the 'action mode' on the D90!
Mommy is a fanatic about sunscreen...

Happy Birthday Douglas!

Doug's birthday is actually the 18th. We ate at the Melting Pot (my first time!) that night and while the food was good, I really am ok with experience and would be fine not going again.

That Saturday we met up with Chance and Justin at the bowling alley in Bellaire. Doug and I have always wanted to go in--its always packed! But after that night, I think we realize it's pretty old, so we may find another place. Good times none-the-less!

Justin would do anything for some points. Ha.
Here is Doug distracting Justin...

Chance and the "7". He actually beat us all with it! Once they realized Chance would beat the 3-way tie between them, it was no-holds bar to distract everyone so they'd bowl terribly!
*Note: Congrats again to Chance for graduating Law School! Good luck with your work in Austin. You WILL be missed :(

Doug laughing. I love his smile... let's just say he's laughing because Justin was saying anything to get a rouse out of them. Ha.

Justin trying to distract Doug again by posing this time.