Thursday, November 26, 2009

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Asher (at 6 months) has a habit of...

Getting his leg stuck in his little play gym!

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Asher at 6 1/2 months

I'm finally used to saying Asher is 6 months old, but now I can't believe he's soon to be 7 months. Sheesh...

Here are some things he's up to:
-Eating his Nature's Best jar food. Loves them all. I get new flavors for him each time I see them. Still a vegetarian.
-No more breastmilk for him. Doug and I decided at 6 months we'd stop. Now I mix Enfamil Premium with Similac Soy for him.
-Rolling back and forth across his blankets.
-He has two teeth!
-Says "Da, Da, Da, Da, Da".
-Still would rather 'stand' than work on perfecting sitting up on his own.
-Graduated to the Infant 2 room at daycare.
-Finally old enough for the jogging stroller, so he's joined mommy and daddy for runs around Memorial park and other events.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Welcome Henry Allan Bird!

My sister-in-law Lindsey and bro-in-law Steve welcomed their first child, Henry Allan Bird tonight. He was HUGE and surpassed Asher & Evan's weight at 8 lbs 9 oz! I got to meet him the next day officially. He is just awesome, and I'm so happy for his healthy delivery. There are now THREE grandson's all 1 year and younger. Good luck to Popsi & Nonna now. ;)

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Monday, November 9, 2009

The Heffernan's New House!

Doug's sister Lauren and bro-in-law Ryan just recently purchased a house in Baytown. They were commuting quite a distance from Humble everyday since their jobs and their kids 'schools' were in Baytown/Deer Park. Well we were able to see their awesome house for the first time.

I could not believe how much they got done so fast. Their walls were decorated, things were nearly fully unpacked (in the entertaining areas 100%) and it was so beautiful. There is so much space and I know they are very happy with their purchase. All the work they put in to make it look like a real home was truly jaw-dropping. I LOVE their new home!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

So many updates...

So our internet has been out for 2 1/2 weeks here at home. It's not such a big deal since Doug and I are still connected via our phones, but it did affect my blog updates. We've taken many photos in the meantime, so stay tuned for updates.
